Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I hope all is going well. Let me know what y'all are up to. I love hearing from you.
Things this week have kinda been a rollercoaster. Wasn't conference so amazing? It made me a little homesick missing utah. But i love being here serving the Lord. We are super spoiled missionaries. Yesterday we got fed breakfast lunch and dinner from members and got to watch conference with them. We are so blessed. And i am still full. Oh and Sister Herndon said the funniest thing the other night. We were laying in bed talking about watching our weight and she said... "It is just diet and exercise and we will be okay, and we have got the exercise down (we get to run every morning) now we just got to work on the diet but i'd say we are doing pretty good with that because we have no food left in our home (cause we had literally almost nothing to eat)" haha i love her. We have become best friends.
I hope all of you got a chance to watch conference. Isnt our prophet amazing? I know he is truly called of God. One of the greatest lessons i learned from this conference is to just keep going. Times do get hard but the Lord has miraculous plans for all of us. Just keep going. It was spectacular. We are all in this marvelous work together. We as members and missionaries are to lead in bringing salvation to the people around us. What a great opportunity we have to work side by side with the Lord at this great time. I loved that talk about how we are spending our "4 minutes". I keep thinking about that.
This week has been great. The weather is so nice. If i wasnt in a skirt all the time i would be drenched everyday. It rains so much here which makes so many puddles. I love it.
Well thank you all for the great examples you all are. I sure love you!!! Keep staying strong and know you are all in my prayers. :)
Love your Sister Davis :)
Moms additional comments:
We went to the Pages for the first and second and then to the Baumgardners for the third (he is our branch mission leader) and then we just went to the church for the last.
They sang teach me to walk in the light... again. haha never fails. i cry!
Jean told us that the mormon thing isnt for her but she is not getting away that easy. but it broke my heart.